Contraindications and precautions to Intensive/therasuit Therapy

  • Uncontrolled Seizures
  • Heart Conditions
  • Claustrophobia
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta

What Does an Intensive therapy session look like?

A sample Day:

Our  Intensive therapy program

Summer Sessions:

June and July-  Monday-Friday 8am-11am

Weekend Tune Up Sessions:

The second Friday, Saturday or Sunday of each month, hours flexible.

Intensive/TheraSuit Therapy

3 HOURS of Therapy! Are YOU NUTS? Nope, it works.

Intensive Therapy is just that, INTENSE!  It is 3 hours of active therapy, in which annual goals are often met, not in a year, but in 1 to 3 weeks.  It is an amazing tool.  Think of it like a stair stepper.  You do an Intensive Session and meet a goal. Then, you work on your home program and solidify the goal.  Then, another Intensive Session cycle begins. 

During an Intensive Session, a very specific goal(s) is chosen.  All of the stretches and exercises support the acquisition of that goal.  The sessions are heavily focused on motor planning, i.e. walking is practiced in supine, in spider standing, on the treadmill, and in the gym.  90% of our clients have achieved their goals, with 50% reporting that the goals achieved have been kept and built on after the session has ended.

For more information: