We could not be more thankful for FCT. Konnor has Achondroplasia (the most common form of dwarfism), one of the complications is low muscle tone, which makes it hard for him to learn to move his body the way it's supposed to.He has been in PT since he was born, with focus on various muscle groups and goals throughout his life. He has never been so excited to go to therapy as he is to "go ride Kylo," and his other PT noted faster progress when we added weekly sessions at FCT to our schedule.
"China started therapy by being unable to stand or walk on her own. She can now stand for 5 minutes on her own and walk independently for 25 feet." - China's Mom
"Our son James has a severe seizure disorder, resulting in global developmental delays, low muscle tone, and difficulty using his limbs effectively. Sitting independently was not possible for James, even holding his head upright was a challenge. James had been in Physical Therapy since infancy, which helped to some degree.However, we did not begin to see significant, measurable results until he began hippotherapy….Even though he is non-verbal, it is clear that James loves the horses and the staff. He always seems motivated to do his best….The comprehensive Physical Therapy he receives from Full Circle will enable him to have a more satisfying and more independent life…." James' Parents
"Elaine, Michael's Mom, praises Dr. Allen's sense of integrity as well as her respect for Michael's time and his family: "She is always there when she says she will be." Elaine believes that there is no place like Full Circle Therapy. "They treat you more like family; I can't say enough about her (Dr. Allen). She is a fantastic therapist. Our whole family loves her." - Michael's Mom
"After years of my daughter being in a wheelchair, she is now using a walker. Hippotherapy is also helping with Vision Rehabilitation. Also, the referrals for people, braces, and eye physician have been the best to work with special needs people." - Rachel's Mom
"We are very pleased with the quality of care that our daughter has received from Full Circle. They are an awesome team. Our daughter just loves her horse! We are thankful to Jennifer for opening the clinic. We have seen wonderful improvements in our daughter, even though she only goes once a week. Our daughter loves Hippotherapy. On most days, it turns work (therapy) into something enjoyable for her." - Julia's Mom